Ethical hacking is a structured hacking performed to expose vulnerabilities in a system, using tools and techniques with the organization's knowledge and approval. The job of an ethical hacker is to formally locate and penetrate the vulnerabilities in a system and suggest necessary solutions to fix them.
Workshop on Performance Evaluation of the System will be held in Dhaka, Bangladesh where the impact and outcome of the project will be discussed. Knowledge will be gathered from NORDUnet experts in order to address the shortcomings and deficiencies of the project.
Main goal of this course is to introduce the principles of Cyber Security. The main purpose of this course is to give a holistic view of the cyber security so that the student is better prepared moving forward with the rest of the more focused subjects.
Under the Asi@Connect 2nd Call for proposal, BdREN has received a Grant (TEIN*CC Ref: Asi@Connect-18-068) under work package: WP5 for a Project Title: “Facilitating Distance Learning using Digital Conferencing Facility” in collaboration with NORDUnet, Denmark. BdREN is the main project leader and is implementing this project. This Project intended to establish a platform in collaboration mode with Research and Education networks which will be using the regional network resources and generate wide societal benefits through e-learning and knowledge sharing by providing digital conference facilities. The beneficiaries of this project are BdREN-Bangladesh (the host Country), ThaiREN-Thailand, NREN-Nepal, PREGINET-Philippines, LEARN-Sri Lanka and DrukREN-Bhutan. TEIN*CC/Asi@Connect will monitor the project activities and make the payment on successful delivery and completion of the activities and services under this project. The prime objective of fDLuDCf project is to promote the use of Digital Video Conferencing facilities in the region by locally deploying a Digital Video Conferencing platform for enhancement of collaboration, distance learning and knowledge sharing that will connect faculties, students, researchers, experts and resources from anyone to anywhere.